Fasten stores each FHIR Resource type in its own dedicated database table. As such, only the following values are acceptable for the from clause:

  • Account
  • AdverseEvent
  • AllergyIntolerance
  • Appointment
  • Binary
  • CarePlan
  • CareTeam
  • Claim
  • ClaimResponse
  • Composition
  • Condition
  • Consent
  • Coverage
  • CoverageEligibilityRequest
  • CoverageEligibilityResponse
  • Device
  • DeviceRequest
  • DiagnosticReport
  • DocumentManifest
  • DocumentReference
  • Encounter
  • Endpoint
  • EnrollmentRequest
  • EnrollmentResponse
  • ExplanationOfBenefit
  • FamilyMemberHistory
  • Goal
  • ImagingStudy
  • Immunization
  • InsurancePlan
  • Location
  • Media
  • Medication
  • MedicationAdministration
  • MedicationDispense
  • MedicationRequest
  • MedicationStatement
  • NutritionOrder
  • Observation
  • Organization
  • OrganizationAffiliation
  • Patient
  • Person
  • Practitioner
  • PractitionerRole
  • Procedure
  • Provenance
  • Questionnaire
  • QuestionnaireResponse
  • RelatedPerson
  • Schedule
  • ServiceRequest
  • Slot
  • Specimen
  • VisionPrescription
  "q": {
    "select": [
    "from": "Observation",
    "where": {

As additional FHIR Resource types are added to the USCDI specification, or become commonly available by EHR systems, Fasten will support them as well.