Fasten Health has the ability to generate a International Patient Summary (IPS) compliant summary.

We use the following algorithm to determine which FHIR resources to include/exclude from the summary.

Note: this algorithm is still a work-in-progress. It is based on the work by John D’Amore - see: fhir-ips-serve

Data Pipeline

The steps for creating an IPS follow a set of data staging pipeline steps. These are summarized below from code available in the class:

  1. Get all resources related to the patient specified
  2. Initialize Bundle and Composition
  3. Assign resources by ResourceType, category or code to 14 IPS sections (see Filtering Logic for more information)
  4. Evaluate if required resources are missing for required sections. If no resources found, create pseudo resource. a. Allergies List b. Problem List c. Medication List
  5. Filter out resources (see Filtering Logic for more information)
  6. Bundle pruning: removal of resources which have been filtered out in pipeline (See Narrative Generation)
  7. Generate narrative for Composition.section

Summary Filtering

To create a summary, a set of rules are applied to filter all Patient data down to the relevant content by section for a summary. These rules should be considered preliminary and subject to future revision.

Filtering Logic (Preliminary)

  • Allergies (AllergyIntolerance)
    • Don’t want clinicalStatus inactive resolved
    • Don’t want verificationStatus entered-in-error
  • Problems (Condition)
    • Don’t want clinicalStatus inactive resolved
    • Don’t want verificationStatus entered-in-error
  • Medications (MedicationStatement and MedicationRequest)
    • MedicationStatement
      • Only status is active intended unknown on-hold
      • For future consideration. Maybe some statuses are filtered out if the period.high is far enough in the past or if status isn’t active…
    • MedicationRequest
      • Only status is active unknown on-hold
  • Results (DiagnosticReport and Observation where category=’laboratory’
    • Observation
      • Exclude all status is preliminary
      • Most recent of each observation.code
    • DiagnosticReport
      • No filtering applied
  • Vital Signs (Observation where category=’vital-signs’)
    • Most recent of each observation.code under category ‘vital-signs’
    • For consideration, most recent of each
      • Weight
      • Height
      • BMI
      • Head circumference if age <5
  • Social History (Observation where category=’social-history’)
    • Exclude all status is preliminary
  • Pregnancy History (Observation where code is in IPS list)
    • Exclude all status is preliminary
  • Immunizations (Immunization)
    • Exclude entered-in-error
  • Advance Directive (Consent)
    • Only active status
  • Functional Status (ClinicalImpression)
    • Status in-progress completed
  • Medical Devices (DeviceUseStatement)
    • Exclude entered-in-error
  • Past History of Illness (Condition)
    • Use dates (Older than five years based on either dateTime or period.high) & clinicalStatus of inactive remission resolved
    • Exclude entered-in-error
  • Plan of Care
    • Include status of active on-hold unknown
  • Procedures
    • Exclude entered-in-error not-done
    • For consideration. Some procedures may merit filtering based on dates

Narrative Generation

Narrative is required at the Composition.section.text within the IPS (see Since individual resources may be loaded into this server with or without Resource.text, the server recreates narrative using machine-readable content.

This narrative creation should be considered preliminary and DRAFT and not suitable for production implementation. To edit this formatting, you should edit the following template: hapi-fhir-base/src/main/resources/ca/uhn/fhir/narrative/ips/IPS.html. Each section of the IPS has one or more tables with the following data elements:

Advance Directives:

  • Scope: Consent.scope.text   Consent.scope.coding[x].display (separated by <br />)
  • Status: Consent.status.code
  • Action Controlled: Consent.provision.action[x].{ text   coding[x].display (separated by <br />)} (concatenate with comma, e.g. x, y, z)
  • Date: Consent.dateTime

Allergies And Intolerances:

  • Allergen: AllergyIntolerance.code.text   AllergyIntolerance.code.coding[x].display (separated by <br />)
  • Status: AllergyIntolerance.clinicalStatus.text   AllergyIntolerance.clinicalStatus.coding[x].code (separated by <br />)
  • Category: AllergyIntolerance.category[x] (separated by <br />)
  • Reaction: AllergyIntolerance.reaction.manifestation.description   AllergyIntolerance.reaction.manifestation.text   AllergyIntolerance.reaction.manifestation.coding[x].display (separated by <br />)
  • Severity: AllergyIntolerance.reaction.severity[x].code (separated by <br />)
  • Comments: AllergyIntolerance.note[x].text (separated by <br />)
  • Onset: AllergyIntolerance.onsetDateTime

Functional Status:

  • Assessment: ClinicalImpression.code.text   ClinicalImpression.code[x].display (separated by <br />)
  • Status: ClinicalImpression.status.code
  • Finding: ClinicalImpression.summary
  • Comments: ClinicalImpression.note[x].text (separated by <br />)
  • Date: ClinicalImpression.effectiveDateTime   ClinicalImpression.effectivePeriod.start


  • Immunization: Immunization.vaccineCode.text   Immunization.vaccineCode.coding[x].display (separated by <br />)
  • Status: Immunization.status
  • Dose Number: Immunization.protocolApplied[x]{doseNumberPositiveInt   doseNumberString} (concatenate with comma, e.g. x, y, z)
  • Manufacturer:
  • Lot Number: Immunization.lotNumber
  • Comments: Immunization.note[x].text (separated by <br />)
  • Date: Immunization.occurrenceDateTime   Immunization.occurrenceString

Medical Devices:

  • Device: Device.type.text   Device.type.coding[x].display (separated by <br />)
  • Status: DeviceUseStatement.status
  • Comments: DeviceUseStatement.note[x].text (separated by <br />)
  • Date Recorded: DeviceUseStatement.recordedDateTime

Medication Summary:

TABLE 1: Medication Summary: Medication Requests

  • Medication: MedicationRequest.medicationCodeableConcept.text   MedicationRequest.medicationCodeableConcept.coding[x].display (separated by <br />)   Medication.code.text   Medication.code.coding[x].display (separated by <br />)
  • Status: MedicationRequest.status.display
  • Route: MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[x].{ route.text   route.coding[x].display (separated by <br />) } (concatenate with comma, e.g. x, y, z)
  • Sig: MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[x].text (display all sigs separated by <br />)
  • Comments: MedicationRequest.note[x].text (separated by <br />)
  • Authored Date: MedicationRequest.authoredOn

TABLE 2: Medication Summary: Medication Statements

  • Medication: MedicationStatement.medicationCodeableConcept.text   MedicationStatement.medicationCodeableConcept.coding[x].display (separated by <br />)   Medication.code.text   Medication.code.coding[x].display (separated by <br />)
  • Status: MedicationStatement.status.display
  • Route: MedicationStatement.dosage[x].{ route.text   route.coding[x].display (separated by <br />) } (concatenate with comma, e.g. x, y, z)
  • Sig: MedicationStatement.dosage[x].text (display all sigs separated by <br />)
  • Date: MedicationStatement.effectiveDateTime   MedicationStatement.effectivePeriod.start

Plan of Care

  • Activity: CarePlan.description
  • Intent: CarePlan.intent.code
  • Comments: CarePlan.note[x].text (separated by <br />)
  • Planned Start: CarePlan.period.start
  • Planned End: CarePlan.period.end


  • Code: Observation.code.text   Observation.code.coding[x].display (separated by <br />)
  • Result: Observation.valueQuantity   Observation.valueDateTime   Observation.valueCodeableConcept.text   Observation.valueCodeableConcept.coding[x].display (separated by <br />)   Observation.valueString
  • Comments: Observation.note[x].text (separated by <br />)
  • Date: Observation.effectiveDateTime   Observation.effectivePeriod.start

Problem List:

  • Medical Problems: Condition.code.text   Condition.code.coding[x].display (separated by <br />)
  • Status: Condition.clinicalStatus.text   Condition.clinicalStatus.coding[x].display (separated by <br />)
  • Comments: Condition.note[x].text (separated by <br />)
  • Onset Date: Condition.onsetDateTime   Condition.onsetPeriod.start && “-“ && Condition.onsetPeriod.end   Condition.onsetAge   Condition.onsetRange.low && “-“ && Condition.onsetRange.high   Condition.onsetString

Past History of Illnesses:

  • Medical Problems: Condition.code.text   Condition.code.coding[x].display (separated by <br />)
  • Status: Condition.clinicalStatus.text   Condition.clinicalStatus.coding[x].display (separated by <br />)
  • Comments: Condition.note[x].text (separated by <br />)
  • Onset Date: Condition.onsetDateTime   Condition.onsetPeriod.start && “-“ && Condition.onsetPeriod.end   Condition.onsetAge   Condition.onsetRange.low && “-“ && Condition.onsetRange.high   Condition.onsetString

History Of Procedures:

  • Procedure: Procedure.code.text   Procedure.code.coding[x].display (separated by <br />)
  • Comments: Procedure.note[x].text(separated by <br />)
  • Date: Procedure.performedDateTime   Procedure.performedPeriod.start && “-“ && Procedure.performedPeriod.end   Procedure.performedAge   Procedure.performedRange.low && “-“ && Procedure.performedRange.high   Procedure.performedString

Diagnostic Results:

TABLE 1: Diagnostic Results: Observations

  • Code: Observation.code.text   Observation.code.coding[x].display (separated by <br />)
  • Result: Observation.valueQuantity   Observation.valueDateTime   Observation.valueCodeableConcept.text   Observation.valueCodeableConcept.coding[x].display (separated by <br />)   Observation.valueString
  • Unit: Observation.valueQuantity.unit
  • Interpretation: Observation.interpretation[0].text   Observation.interpretation[0].coding[x].display (separated by <br />)
  • Reference Range: Observation.referenceRange[x]{ text   low.value && “-“ && high.value} (concatenate with comma, e.g. x, y, z)
  • Comments: Observation.note[x].text (separated by <br />)
  • Date: Observation.effectiveDateTime   Observation.effectivePeriod.start

TABLE 2: Diagnostic Results: Diagnostic Reports

  • Code: DiagnosticReport.code.text   DiagnosticReport.code.coding[x].display (separated by <br />)
  • Date: DiagnosticReport.effectiveDateTime   DiagnosticReport.effectivePeriod.start

Social History:

  • Code: Observation.code.text   Observation.code.coding[x].display (separated by <br />)
  • Result: Observation.valueQuantity   Observation.valueDateTime   Observation.valueCodeableConcept.text   Observation.valueCodeableConcept.coding[x].display (separated by <br />)   Observation.valueString
  • Unit: Observation.valueQuantity.unit
  • Comments: Observation.note[x].text (separated by <br />)
  • Date: Observation.effectiveDateTime   Observation.effectivePeriod.start

Vital Signs:

  • Code: Observation.code.text   Observation.code.coding[x].display (separated by <br />)
  • Result: Observation.valueQuantity   Observation.valueDateTime   Observation.valueCodeableConcept.text   Observation.valueCodeableConcept.coding[x].display (separated by <br />)   Observation.valueString
  • Unit: Observation.valueQuantity.unit
  • Interpretation: Observation.interpretation[0].text   Observation.interpretation[0].coding[x].display (separated by <br />)
  • Comments: Observation.note[x].text (separated by <br />)
  • Date: Observation.effectiveDateTime   Observation.effectivePeriod.start