
Fasten Health - Smart-on-FHIR

Fasten Health leverages the SMART-on-FHIR authorization framework to provide a secure, standards-based, and interoperable authentication and authorization mechanism for our self-hosted applications.

There are 4 actors in our authentication flow:

  1. Fasten Health (Self-Hosted Client Application) - This is the client application that the Patient is running on their device. It is responsible for requesting an authorization code from the authorization server, and exchanging the authorization code for an access token (in most cases, see below).
  2. Healthcare Provider - The Healthcare Provider is the server that hosts protected medical records for the Patient. The Healthcare Provider server is responsible for validating the access token and providing the protected records to the client application.
  3. Lighthouse (Auth Gateway) - The Lighthouse server is responsible for “proxying” authentication/authorization requests between the Fasten Health application and the Healthcare Provider. This is required because in most environments, the Fasten Health application is running on a device that is not directly accessible from the internet. When the Healthcare Provider requires a Confidential client, the Lighthouse server is also responsible for exchanging the authorization code for an access token on behalf of the client application.
  4. Patient (User) - The Patient is the person who is trying to access their protected medical records from their Healthcare Provider, and store them in Fasten Health.


Fasten Health leverages multiple OAuth security mechanisms to ensure that the authentication flow is secure:

  1. HTTPS - All communication between the Fasten Health application and the Lighthouse server, and between the Lighthouse server and the Healthcare Provider, is encrypted using HTTPS.
  2. PKCE - The Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) extension to OAuth 2.0 is used to ensure that the authorization code cannot be intercepted and used by a malicious attacker. This is used to ensure that the authentication code sent to the Lighthouse server cannot be exchanged for an access token as-is.
  3. Public Client - The Fasten Health application acts as a Public client when possible, allowing the self-hosted application to communicate directly with the Healthcare Provider when exchanging an authorization code for an access token.
  4. Fragment Response Mode - The Fragment mechanism is used to ensure that the authorization code is not leaked to the Lighthouse (Auth Gateway) when exchanging the authorization code for an access token. The fragment information is not sent to the server, and is only accessible by the client application.

PKCE Security Details

The PKCE authorization code flow adds a secret (a code_verifier generated using SHA-256) created by the client application that is verified by the authorization server. The client application creates a transform value (hash string) of the code_verifier called the code_challenge which is sent using HTTPS to retrieve an authorization code. A malicious attacker can intercept this code, but cannot exchange it for a token without the code_verifier.

The Fasten Lighthouse service acts like an redirection proxy. Even if we intend to act in a malicious manner (which we don’t) the Lighthouse only ever has access to the (temporary) authorization_code (not the code_verifier), which means the authorization_code cannot be exchanged for an access token. Once the authorization_code is returned to the user, they can trade the authorization_code AND code_verifier for an access_token.

Authentication Flow - Public Client (Preferred)

This is the preferred Self-Hosted authentication flow, leveraging Public Client OAuth security mechanism.

    participant User
    participant Browser
    participant Fasten Server
    participant Fasten SPA
    box MistyRose Public Network
        participant Lighthouse
        participant Healthcare Provider

    User->>Browser: 1. Request Fasten App
    Browser->>Fasten Server: 2. Request Fasten App
    Fasten Server->>Browser: 3. Respond with Fasten SPA

	User->>Fasten SPA: 4. Click "Connect Healthcare Provider"
	Fasten SPA->>Browser: 5. Generate & Store State, Code Challenge & Validator 
	Browser->>Lighthouse: 6. Redirect to Lighthouse. 
	Lighthouse->>Browser: 7. Store Referrer URL (Fasten Server) in session storage. 
	Browser->>Healthcare Provider: 8. Redirect to Healthcare Provider & Login prompt 
	User->>Browser: 9. Enter Healthcare provider credentials & complete auth flow.
	Browser->>Lighthouse: 10. Redirect to Lighthouse service (callback url). Display "Connection Complete".
	Browser->>Fasten Server: 11. Retrieve Referrer URL (Fasten Server) from session storage and Redirect with Authorization Code & response data.
	Fasten Server->>Browser: 12. Respond with Fasten SPA
	Fasten SPA->>Healthcare Provider: 13. Request OAuth tokens using authorization code, code verifier & challenge
	Healthcare Provider->>Fasten SPA: 14. Validate code verifier & challenge, respond with id, access and refresh tokens. 
    Fasten SPA->>Fasten Server: 15. Store id, access & refresh token in database
    loop Async (Daily/Weekly) Request Patient Data
    Fasten Server->>Healthcare Provider: 16. Update access token using refresh token, request Electonic medical records for patient.
    Healthcare Provider->>Fasten Server: 17. Store records in database. 

Authentication Flow - Confidential Client

In some cases, Healthcare Providers will require a Confidential client, which means that the client application cannot directly exchange the authorization code for an access token, a Client Secret is necessary. For security purposes the Client Secret is not stored in the client application, but is stored on the Lighthouse server.

As such, all token exchange requests must be proxied through the Lighthouse server (which is different from the Public Client flow). However, Electronic Medical Record requests are still done directly from the client application to the Healthcare Provider.

    participant User
    participant Browser
    participant Fasten Server
    participant Fasten SPA
    box MistyRose Public Network
        participant Lighthouse
        participant Healthcare Provider

    User->>Browser: 1. Request Fasten App
    Browser->>Fasten Server: 2. Request Fasten App
    Fasten Server->>Browser: 3. Respond with Fasten SPA

	User->>Fasten SPA: 4. Click "Connect Healthcare Provider"
	Fasten SPA->>Browser: 5. Generate & Store State, Code Challenge & Validator 
	Browser->>Lighthouse: 6. Redirect to Lighthouse. 
	Lighthouse->>Browser: 7. Store Referrer URL (Fasten Server) in session storage. 
	Browser->>Healthcare Provider: 8. Redirect to Healthcare Provider & Login prompt 
	User->>Browser: 9. Enter Healthcare provider credentials & complete auth flow.
	Browser->>Lighthouse: 10. Redirect to Lighthouse service (callback url). Display "Connection Complete".
	Browser->>Fasten Server: 11. Retrieve Referrer URL (Fasten Server) from session storage and Redirect with Authorization Code & response data.
	Fasten Server->>Browser: 12. Respond with Fasten SPA
	Fasten SPA->>Lighthouse: 13. Request OAuth tokens using authorization code, code verifier & challenge
	Lighthouse->>Healthcare Provider: 14. Request OAuth tokens using authorization code, code verifier, challenge & client secret
	Healthcare Provider->>Lighthouse: 15. Validate code verifier & challenge, respond with id, access and refresh tokens. 
	Lighthouse->>Fasten SPA: 16. Respond with id, access and refresh tokens. 
    Fasten SPA->>Fasten Server: 17. Store id, access & refresh token in database
    loop Async (Daily/Weekly) Request Patient Data
    Fasten Server->>Lighthouse: 18. Request updated access token using refresh token.
    Lighthouse->>Healthcare Provider: 19. Request updated access token using refresh token & client secret
	Healthcare Provider->>Lighthouse: 20. Respond with access and refresh tokens. 
	Lighthouse->>Fasten Server: 21. Store updated access and refresh tokens in database
    Fasten Server->>Healthcare Provider: 16. Request Electonic medical records for patient using access token.
    Healthcare Provider->>Fasten Server: 17. Store records in database. 

