Setting up Fasten to Use Fake Test Data

The instructions below are for the sandbox flavor of Fasten, which cannot connect to real patient portals. If you’d like to use Fasten with your real healthcare accounts, please follow the instructions here.

These instructions will help you set up a version of Fasten that only allows you to connect to a handful of Healthcare providers using Sandbox accounts that are meant for testing and contain synthetic(fake) data to give you an idea of what Fasten will look like without requiring personal medical information.

Run the following commands to download and start the Fasten docker container.

docker pull

docker run --rm \
-p 9090:8080 \
-v `pwd`/db:/opt/fasten/db \
-v `pwd`/cache:/opt/fasten/cache \

Next, open a browser to http://localhost:9090

At this point, you’ll be redirected to the login page.

Logging In

Once you’ve been redirected to the login page, you’ll need to create an account at http://localhost:9090/web/auth/signup.

Provide your name, a username, and a password and click Create Account.

You should now be now logged in. You’ll be redirected to the dashboard, which will be empty until you connect with a healthcare provider.


Once you login, you’ll be taken to the dashboard. From here, you can explore the data retrieved from the various healthcare providers. This page will initially be empty; see the next section - Connecting a new Source - for more info.

Connecting a new Source

Before you can use Fasten, you’ll need to connect a healthcare provider.

This version only allows you to connect to a handful of Healthcare providers using Sandbox accounts that are meant for testing and contain synthetic(fake) data to give you an idea of what Fasten will look like without requiring personal medical information.

To do so, you’ll need to use a Sandbox user and password from the table below. You should not (and cannot) use real credentials with the Sandbox version of Fasten.

Source Credentials Link
Aetna Username: VTETestUser01
Password: FHIRdemo2020
test accounts
AllScripts Username:
Password: Allscripts#1
test accounts
AthenaHealth Username:
Password: Password1
test accounts
CareEvolution Username: CEPatient
Password: CEPatient2018
test accounts
Cerner Username: nancysmart
Password: Cerner01
test accounts
Cigna Username: syntheticuser05
Password: 5ynthU5er5
test accounts
eClinicalWorks/Healow Username: AdultFemaleFHIR
Password: e@CWFHIR1
test accounts
Epic Username: fhircamila
Password: epicepic1
test accounts
HealthIT Username: demouser
Password: Demouser1!
test accounts
Humana Username: HUser00001
Password: PW00001!
Kaiser Username: Pvaluser1
Password: V@lidation1
Logica Username:
Medicare Username: BBUser00000
Password: PW00000!
test accounts
Meditech Username:
NextGen Username: patientapitest
Password: Password1!
test accounts
VA Health Provider:
Password: Password12345!!!
test accounts

Some providers (such as Cerner) may take a long time to sync as their sandbox accounts have lots of test data. Please be patient.

Testing Manual Bundle Upload

If you’d like to test the manual bundle upload, you can use data provided by the Synthea project to test. Just extract the downloaded zip file and upload one of the many json files.