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State Medical Record Ownership Laws Details
Alabama No law identified conferring specific ownership or property right to medical record  
Alaska Hospital and/or physician owns medical record Alaska Admin. Code tit. 7, § 12.770: The medical records, including x-ray films, are the property of the facility (applies to hospitals and other specified health care facilities).
Arizona No law identified conferring specific ownership or property right to medical record  
Arkansas No law identified conferring specific ownership or property right to medical record  
California Hospital and/or physician owns medical record Cal. Code Regs. tit. 22, § 70751:  Medical records are the property of the hospital.
Colorado No law identified conferring specific ownership or property right to medical record  
Connecticut No law identified conferring specific ownership or property right to medical record  
Delaware No law identified conferring specific ownership or property right to medical record  
District of Columbia No law identified conferring specific ownership or property right to medical record  
Florida Hospital and/or physician owns medical record Fla. Stat. § 456.057: Defines “records owner” as any health care practitioner who generates a medical record after treating patient, any health care practitioner to whom records are transferred by a previous owner, or any health care practitioner’s employer.
Georgia Hospital and/or physician owns medical record Ga. Code Ann. § 31-33-3:  All records are owned by and are property of provider.
Hawaii No law identified conferring specific ownership or property right to medical record  
Idaho No law identified conferring specific ownership or property right to medical record  
Illinois No law identified conferring specific ownership or property right to medical record  
Indiana Hospital and/or physician owns medical record Ind. Code Ann. § 16-39-5-3: The original health record of the patient is the property of the provider.
Iowa No law identified conferring specific ownership or property right to medical record  
Kansas Hospital and/or physician owns medical record Kansas Admin. Regs. § 28-34-9a: Medical records shall be the property of the hospital.
Kentucky No law identified conferring specific ownership or property right to medical record  
Louisiana Hospital and/or physician owns medical record La. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 40:1299.96:  Patient medical records maintained in a provider’s office are the property and business records of the health care provider.
Maine No law identified conferring specific ownership or property right to medical record  
Maryland Hospital and/or physician owns medical record Md. Code Regs.  Medical records are the personal property of the entity providing health care.
Massachusetts No law identified conferring specific ownership or property right to medical record  
Michigan No law identified conferring specific ownership or property right to medical record  
Minnesota No law identified conferring specific ownership or property right to medical record  
Mississippi Hospital and/or physician owns medical record Miss. Code Ann. § 73-43-11: Medical records, as defined herein, are and shall remain the property of the licensed physician(s), in or whose clinic or facility said records are maintained.
Missouri Hospital and/or physician owns medical record Mo. Code Regs. Ann. tit. 19, § 30-20.094:  Medical records are considered the property of the hospital.
Montana No law identified conferring specific ownership or property right to medical record  
Nebraska No law identified conferring specific ownership or property right to medical record  
Nevada No law identified conferring specific ownership or property right to medical record  
New Hampshire Patient owns information in medical record N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 151:21‡: Medical information contained in the medical records at any facility licensed under this chapter shall be deemed to be the property of the patient.
New Jersey No law identified conferring specific ownership or property right to medical record  
New Mexico Hospital and/or physician owns medical record N.M. Code R. §*: Physicians must retain the medical records they own.
New York No law identified conferring specific ownership or property right to medical record  
North Carolina Hospital and/or physician owns medical record 10A N.C. Admin. Code 13B.3903: Medical records are the property of the hospital.
North Dakota No law identified conferring specific ownership or property right to medical record  
Ohio No law identified conferring specific ownership or property right to medical record  
Oklahoma No law identified conferring specific ownership or property right to medical record  
Oregon Hospital and/or physician owns medical record Or. Admin. R. 333-505-0050: All medical records are the property of the hospital.
Pennsylvania Hospital and/or physician owns medical record 28 Pa. Code § 103.21, 103.22, 103.23, 103.24: Medical records are the property of the hospital. 28 Pa. Code § 115.28: Hospital medical records are the property of the hospital.
Rhode Island Hospital and/or physician owns medical record R.I. Gen. Laws Ann. § 5-37.22: Unless otherwise expressly stated in writing by a medical practice group, all medical records are the property of the practice group with which a physician was associated when he or she created the medical records. 14-090-007 R.I. Code R. § 27.12: Medical records are considered the property of the hospital.
South Carolina Hospital and/or physician owns medical record S.C. Code Ann. § 44-115-20: A physician is the owner of medical records that were made in treating a patient that are in his or her possession, as well as the owner of records transferred to him or her concerning prior treatment of the patient. S.C. Code Ann. Regs. 61-16, § 1104 and § 1213: Records of patients are the property of the facility and must not be taken from the hospital property except by court order.
South Dakota No law identified conferring specific ownership or property right to medical record  
Tennessee Hospital and/or physician owns medical record Tenn. Code Ann. § 68-11-304: Hospital records are and shall remain the property of the hospitals, subject to a court order to produce the records.
Texas Hospital and/or physician owns medical record 22 Tex. Admin. Code § 165.1*: Medical records may be owned by a physician’s employer, including include group practices, professional associations, and non-profit health organizations.
Utah Hospital and/or physician owns medical record Utah Admin. Code.  R. 432-100-33: Original medical records are the property of the hospital.
Vermont No law identified conferring specific ownership or property right to medical record  
Virginia Hospital and/or physician owns medical record Va. Code Ann.  § 32.1-127.1:03: Health records are the property of the health care entity maintaining them. Va. Code Ann. § 54.1-2403.3: Medical records maintained by any health care provider as defined in § 32.1-127.1:03 are the property of the health care provider or the provider’s employer.
Washington No law identified conferring specific ownership or property right to medical record  
West Virginia No law identified conferring specific ownership or property right to medical record  
Wisconsin No law identified conferring specific ownership or property right to medical record  
Wyoming Hospital and/or physician owns medical record Wyo. Code R. § 024-052-003±: The paper, microfilm, or data storage unit upon which the patient’s information is maintained belongs to the physician and/or health care facility in which he/she practices. Patients do not have a right to possess the physical means by which the information is stored. Upon a patient’s signed, written request, physicians shall make pertinent information in the medical record available to the patient.