Production Access

  • Incorporate
  • Register Trademark
  • Sign up for AWS Activate (funding/credits)
    • 10k credit with Stripe Atlas
    • Waiting for confirmation⏳ #task
  • Open Bank account - SVB or other Stripe Atlas reccomended #task - Chase/BoA/etc
  • Move all infrastructure to new AWS account ✅ 2023-07-16
  • Complete AWS Infrastructure Hardening for Lighthouse
  • Configure Github CI for Lighthouse
  • Release source code
    • Fasten on Premise
    • Fasten Lighthouse (timeline unknown)
  • User Interviews
  • Sign Healthcare provider attestations for Production access
  • Release a production capable version of Fasten
  • Coordinate with Designers to begin work on the Fasten UI


  • register corp ✅ 2023-07-16
  • buy website ✅ 2023-07-16
  • trademarking
  • AWS hosting for Lighthouse
    • Offset by AWS Activate credits
  • Legal review of provider attestations

Expanding Healthcare Providers

  • Sign CARIN Trust Framework. ✅ 2024-05-14
  • User Interviews
  • Add support for additional healthcare providers
    1. Support HL7
    2. Support FHIR Release 2 (DSTU) (Version 1)
    3. Support FHIR Release 3 (STU) (Version 3)
    4. Support FHIR Release 4 (Version 4) - DONE
    5. Support FHIR Release 4b (Version 4b)
    6. Support FHIR Release 5 (STU) (Version 5)
  • Integrate additional Provider sources (prioritizing those used by Fasten users)
  • Look for Grants & Sponsors
  • Look for EMR System to Partner with (Funding)
  • Add opt-in “tracking” to Fasten On-Prem
    • no healthcare related data, only which pages are being used, and deployed version information
    • Rollbar/User error tracking is probably unavailable due to PII/PHI data

Ongoing Expenses

  • Legal council/advice
  • AWS hosting for Lighthouse
    • Offset by AWS Activate credits


  • Communicate with healthcare newsletters
  • Apply for Grants/Sponsors
  • Production mode for more Healthcare Providers
    • Start asking for marketing callouts/added to documentation
  • User Interviews
  • Redo landing page


  • Cloud version?
  • Charge for connection to the Lighthouse?